Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeEnvironmentAuthorities Urged to Consider re-mapping of Harare Wetlands

Authorities Urged to Consider re-mapping of Harare Wetlands

Edgar Gweshe

A clarion call has been made for authorities to consider re-mapping of Harare’s wetlands which serve as water sources for the capital.

The call comes amid reports of rampant destruction of the water sources due to factors such as unplanned developments and urban farming.

Harare has 47 gazetted wetlands and three internationally recognised wetlands under the Ramsar Convention.

The internationally recognised wetlands include Lake Chivero, Cleveland Dam and Monavale Vlei.

Stakeholders are concerned that despite gazetting of the wetlands, they continue to face threats of destruction hence the need for close monitoring which should be informed by a re-mapping exercise.

In an interview, Harare Wetlands Trust (HWT) Programmes Manager, Selestino Chari said an all stakeholders approach is critical for the re-mapping of Harare’s wetlands.

This, he said was critical to ensure the protection and close monitoring of Harare’s headwater wetlands while ensuring sustainable development of the capital.

Chari also acknowledged the issue of private ownership of wetlands and urged government to come up with a framework for compensation of people with private ownership in wetlands.

Investing in research on wetlands is critically important, according to Chari.

“There is need for responsible authorities to invest in research and development and be more scientific in terms of the significance of wetlands so that communities get to see the economc value of wetlands . On the remapping of wetlands it’s very important that we come up with a one stop shop where the Environmental Management Agency, the City of Harare, the Zimbabwe National Water Authority, Upper Manyame and civil society come together and agree on the remapping of the 47 wetlands doing ground truthing, looking at the value of each and every one of the 47 wetlands and give it value so that people can get to appreciate their value,” said Chari.

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He added, ” Also what is of great importance is to look at the issue of private ownership of wetlands. The government should come up with a framework to compensate people with private ownership in wetlands because as long as we don’t address that issue, then there is a fight between property rights and environmental rights and we will still continue to have a problem so there is need to come up with a framework for compensation of people who own the wetlands.”

Speaking during a recent event hosted by the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) a representative from the Environmental Management Agency
(EMA), Leon Mutungamiri said the agency was open to consider the re-mapping of wetlands in Harare.

He said that since the beginning of the year, EMA had rejected 14 housing projects as the areas for the developments were wetlands.

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