Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister Dr Ignatius Chombo is once again under fire for his continued interference in the day to day running of Harare City Council.
Chombo, who was recently under the spotlight for pushing for the re-instatement of the city council’s Town Clerk, Dr. Tendai Mahachi, who was suspended for failing to provide a payment scheme for top council workers is yet again under fire for his interference in the business of the city council.
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Speaking at a public meeting held in the capital on Wednesday Professor Lovemore Madhuku said that Central government‘s role is to provide not to be involved in the day to business of the city council.
“The role of the central government is to avail resources not to be involved or to force itself in the day to day running of the city Council.
“The Minister of Local Government, Public Works and National Housing has some powers but he must interfere to oversee on service delivery only rather than administrating the Council,” said Madhuku.
Professor Madhuku challenged residents to boycott the Minister’s interference on the day to day business of the council.
“You (residents) cannot allow Chombo to continue what he is doing; the law allows you to march to his office and direct him to stay away from council business.
Madhuku also pointed out that as service delivery continues to dwindle Chombo’s power continues to escalade.
The National Constitutional Assembly leader also condemned Zanu PF saying that it is not a people-centred government.
“Zanu PF government has no incentive whatsoever to produce anything, they will cheat elections, they don’t have to deliver but will remain in power,” he said.
Speaking at the same event, Former Mayor of Harare Engineer, Elias Mudzuri, exposed the Minister Chomba for threatening Mayors.
“Chombo has always given threats to Mayors saying tinokuita zvatakaita kuna Mudzuri (we will fire you just like what we did to Mudzuri),” said Mudzuri adding that Chombo always fire elected people.
The controversial Minister was once under fire for directing all municipalities to cancel domestic water bills and property taxes incurred by households between February 2009 and June 2013, citing a difficult economic environment that made it difficult for households to pay.