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HomeNewsMISA Pushes For Scrapping New Cellphone Levy

MISA Pushes For Scrapping New Cellphone Levy

The Media Institute of Southern Africa has backed parliamentarians’ push to scrap the US$50,00 levy on new cell phone handsets saying such a move will impact negatively on internet access and citizens’ rights to information.

In his 2022 budget presentation before parliament last week, Minister of Finance and Economic Development, Professor Mthuli Ncube, proposed the US$50,00 duty on all new cell phones imported into the country as a measure to curb smuggling.

However, parliamentarians and analysts attending a post-budget seminar yesterday said the duty should be scrapped arguing that this would discourage the use of ICTs and the promotion of e-learning in remote areas.

MISA Zimbabwe has also added its voice calling the Ministry of Finance to instead work closely with the Ministry of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services, and other key stakeholders, to increase uptake in the usage of ICTs as opposed to imposing taxes and levies that widen the digital divide.

“In that regard, while ownership of smartphones is one of the four pillars of meaningful connectivity, the high cost of these devices is the reason why some people do not use the internet which the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms has declared a fundamental human right,” said MISA Zimbabwe in a statement.

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The media rights lobby group said international frameworks, resolutions and standards had accepted the internet as a human right with Zimbabwe establishing the Universal Services Fund as well as setting up community information centres to provide telecommunication services and information to rural and marginalised communities.

“However, barriers to internet access still exist at a time when the telecommunications industry is heavily taxed while the cost of devices, particularly smartphones, laptops and computers, including mobile data tariffs, is still exorbitant,” added MISA Zimbabwe.

The organisation urged government, Parliament and the Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ), to ensure that universal access to technology and the internet becomes a reality.

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