HomeOpinionBe compassionate

Be compassionate

Everyone is so busy with their lives such that we do not even care to find out what is troubling others. Selfishness is worsening among people. Whenever someone is in need of exhortation and support we no longer are available for each other.

By Chris Nyasha Dhinembira

Today I witnessed a young girl who was failing to come to terms with the sudden death of her father such that she ran around screaming. Instead of trying to help her, all people could do is to have a glimpse of the “drama” with cameras of their smartphones. I then wondered what kind of a nation we are becoming! Compassionate people are growing scarce. This is only one of the unfortunate events that are happening each and every day. Some of the circumstances include people circulating pictures horrific pictures of people who have been involved in accidents. Some would just take some photographs of accident scenes and never dare to help out!

More often I have seen people making fun out of serious issues such as xenophobia in South Africa, Tokwe Mukosi floods in Zimbabwe, Kidnapping of the girls by Boko Haram in Nigeria, and recently “the heatwave”. Is it a question of moral decay in our society? Is it that we have no bread and butter issues to focus on? Or is it that we are too humorous?

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I believe we can go back to the good morals we used to have. I believe we can still cultivate the spirit of love we used to have. I believe we can co-exist in harmony without pricking each others’ wounds. I believe we can still offer one another physical, emotional and spiritual support! Yes, we can.

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