Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthGovt Assures Timely Remittance to Public Service Medical Aid Society

Govt Assures Timely Remittance to Public Service Medical Aid Society

Health Deputy Minister Sleiman Timios Kwidini addressed concerns regarding the timely remittance of funds to the Public Service Medical Aid Society (PSMAS) by the government.

The inquiry, raised by Ruwa Central Constituency legislator Thomas Muwodzeri, shed light on the steps being taken to ensure that civil servants receive uninterrupted medical services from PSMAS.

Kwidini acknowledged the importance of prompt remittances to PSMAS, highlighting the Ministry’s commitment to guaranteeing access to medical services for civil servants.

“In terms of the remittances of the monies being paid by civil servants for their medical aid, we have put in place mechanisms to ensure that all medical services rendered by PSMAS are sustained, there is a board which has been set up such that it can resume to make sure all the services are provided by PSMAS and the Government is remitting the money to PSMAS, such that everyone will receive the proper service,” said the Deputy Minister

He further elaborated on the operational status of PSMAS, noting that despite some facilities experiencing limitations, the majority remained functional.

“PSMAS was offering services as from last year. It is only that some of its facilities were not offering, but some members were receiving services from Government hospitals, especially the private side of the Government hospitals. Also, some of its facilities were not fully functional, but most of them were receiving the services,” explained Kwidini.

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PSMAS was formed in the 1930s to provide health insurance to government employees. In 2003, PSMAS formed Premier Service Medical Investments to provide affordable medical services. It opened more than 154 medical service centers across the country.

The government offers PSMAS medical insurance to all civil servants as part of nonmonetary benefits. Although the government covers 80% of the premium for all civil servants, including retirees, under PSMAS, members are not fully benefiting from the scheme as they have in the past.

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