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Home#263ChatBVR, New Zanu PF Formula To Rig Elections: Zimbabwe Yadzoka

BVR, New Zanu PF Formula To Rig Elections: Zimbabwe Yadzoka

A social movement, Zimbabwe Yadzoka/Mayibuye iZimbabwe has raised the red flag over what it said are attempts by Zanu PF to steal 2018 polls using the new bio-metric voter registration system.

Zimbabwe Yadzoka chairperson, Victor Chimhutu told 263Chat that the Biometric Voter Registration system is just a trick by the ruling party to fool rural folks who are already suspicious of BVR as they are being told that their votes will no-longer be a secret.

‘Zanu PF is on its usual game again, only seeking to steal the 2018 polls by misinforming the rural populace on the Biometric Voter Registration (BVR) system.

“Zimbabwe Yadzoka has noted with grave concern in our meetings around Zimbabwe that Zanu PF is deliberately misinforming the rural populace on BVR. In many interviews we have held around the country, it appears BVR is being presented to the rural populace as a new systematic way of tracing who people would have voted for,” said Chimhutu adding that Zanu PF ‘shenanigans’ were a threat to free and fair elections.

Despite rejections by opposition parties, civic organizations and other citizens, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission, (ZEC) has put the Biometric Voter Registration kit in the field for test on 24 April in urban followed by Murape high school in rural area.

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Speaking to journalists during the field test at Mabvuku High School in Harare on 24 April, ZEC chairperson, Rita Makarau said the mock registration is part of a tender requirement.

Chimhutu however called upon opposition parties and democratic forces to unite and ensure the rural voters are educated on their democratic rights and said that the nation must not allow Zanu PF to steal the next elections.

“While Zimbabwe Yadzoka is doing its part in educating people on BVR, our efforts alone are not enough and need to be complemented. We call upon all civic movements as well as opposition parties under the banner of the National Electoral Reform Agenda (NERA) to quickly work on this situation. Failure to do so, Zanu PF will steal the 2018 elections through misinforming people,” he said.

The pressure group has also been advocating for a coalition of opposition parties ahead of the 2018 polls.

Chimhutu added that events on the ground prove Zanu PF is working to rig elections which will result will be a legitimacy crisis.

He called on opposition political parties to be on the ground and pay attention to the needs of the people.

Zimbabwe Yadzoka/Mayibuye iZimbabwe was launched in August 2016 with the objective of mobilizing rural voters ahead of 2018.

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Journalist based in Harare

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