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HomeNewsCCC Lashes Out At ‘Captured’ State Institutions, Commissions

CCC Lashes Out At ‘Captured’ State Institutions, Commissions

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) secretary for elections Councilor Ian Makone has lashed out at state institutions and various independent commissions over their reluctance to address escalating cases of political violence targeted at opposition activists.

Speaking on the continued detention of legislators Job Sikhala, Godfrey Sithole and 14 others during a press briefing in Harare on Tuesday, Makone said they are forced to believe that all state institutions are captured by the ruling Zanu PF party.

“We once again emphasize and call upon the judiciary to separate itself from the clutches of the regime. We dare not talk about captured judiciary but what is happening persuades us to believe that,” said Makone.

He said the party remains unmoved by Zanu PF tactics and accused the police of being reluctant in dealing with violence that erupted during by-elections across the country despite reports being made.

“They (Zanu PF) are in panic mode which is why they have resorted to their default of violence, No amount of violence that they can unleash whether in urban areas or in rural areas will this time shift the drift towards victory for CCC next year. 

“I have a message for the ZRP, reports were made of these attacks in Insiza, in Matobo, and in Chirumanzu not one has been arrested. Are we not right if we say we have a police that has been captured? We have the chapter 12 institutions in particular the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC), the Gender Commission, the Human Rights Commission who quite frankly should be ashamed because we have written to them, we have not heard the courtesy response so are we wrong in saying they are in the same basket and lastly there is ZEC themselves.

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“The law section 156 (c) of the Constitution gives them the role to take measures and systems to eliminate election violence and other electoral malpractices. I would like Justice Chigumba to come out and tell us just what that those measures they are and what they have done. I would like the Chief Executive Officer of ZEC to do likewise. If they cannot we are quite right in concluding that they are captured.”  he said

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