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HomeNewsCCC Petitions ZEC Over Anomalies On Voters’ Roll

CCC Petitions ZEC Over Anomalies On Voters’ Roll


The Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has expressed concerns regarding the voters roll that has been made available for public inspection.

In a letter addressed to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC), the opposition movement highlighted numerous errors and discrepancies that deviate from constitutional standards, casting doubt on the credibility of the upcoming elections.

“As the Citizens Coalition for Change we have noted serious anomalies in the voters roll that has been laid out for inspection by the public. A reflective sample across all the ten (10) provinces have indicated numerous errors of commission and omission which indicate deviations from the Constitutional standards of a credible voters’ roll,” read part of the letter

One of the key issues highlighted in the preliminary reports is the presence of missing names of prospective voters, some of whom had previously cast their votes in the 2018 general elections and even the March 2022 by-elections.

“Registered voters that had been appearing on the BVR online inspection platform are suddenly missing their names from the current online platforms and the voters roll under inspection. The voters roll under inspection seems not to be synchronized with the new delimitation boundaries. Resultantly, prospective voters have been displaced from their wards of residence.

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“Some registered voters have been moved several kilometers away from their polling stations and even to different wards, a deviation from what ZEC indicated to stakeholders that it will re-organise the delimitation boundaries using polling areas,” said CCC

Another issue of contention highlighted in the letter is the presence of the Forever Associates of Zimbabwe (FAZ) organization at the Inspection Centers.

The CCC asserts that FAZ officials have been interfering with and, in some cases, controlling the inspection process.

In light of these concerns, the CCC has requested an urgent meeting with the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to address the anomalies and discrepancies observed in the voters roll.

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  • My name is not there on voters roll but i voted in 2018…causing concern

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