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HomeNewsCCC Rules Out Possible Opposition Coalition

CCC Rules Out Possible Opposition Coalition

Buoyed by the recent survey results that tipped them to win the forthcoming elections, opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) has ruled out any prospects of joining forces with other political parties under a coalition arrangement.

Prior to the 2018 elections, political formations united under the banner of the MDC Alliance to challenge the ruling Zanu PF party in which President Emmerson Mnangagwa won albeit in controversial circumstances.

In an interview with 263Chat, CCC national spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere said the party will go it alone.

“The Citizens’ Coalition for Change led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa is the only credible alternative to Zanu PF. The latest Afrobarometer Report, the SABI Strategy survey and all data points to the election being a two horse race with Advocate Chamisa gearing for a clear victory. As highlighted previously, the CCC is a broad tent, open to all – the only qualification is that one must be a citizen.

“Candidates will be selected by their communities. ZANU PF can never win a free and fair election so we will continue to do the required heavy lifting to ensure that the citizens unite so we win Zimbabwe for change. The people want and deserve new, ethical leaders and a competent Govt led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa,” said Mahere.

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MDC national spokesperson Witness Dube said the party was open to forming collaborations with other political formations.

“As the MDC, our philosophy of rationale disputation makes us permanently in a position to negotiate with any political formation in order to draw synergies from the opposition side of politics so we are ready we have always been ready in fact we are working very well with other political formation that why we are in an alliance with other political formations. Of course our MPs do work well with CCC MPs in Parliament. We are also worried about the fragmentation of opposition politics and we really wish that something must be done as a party in order to draw synergies,” said Dube.

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