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Home#263ChatCCF Mentorship Ship Enter Waters

CCF Mentorship Ship Enter Waters

The mentorship program that is being facilitated by Campus Community Foundation (CCF) in partnership with Junior Chambers International and the Zimbabwe Youth Council has since taken shape and swung into action.

By Rodrick S. Mazoyo

Following the endorsement of the program by government through the Ministry of Youth Development, Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment, every passing day has seen all plans being turned into action. Against popular belief, CCF has seen to it that all their work lives up to the hype indicated at commencement.

On the 4th of April, SAZ Headquarters was the venue for a Mentor’s coaching session were the industry gurus got guidelines on how to execute mentorship in the most effective manner. Asked for comment, Trish Hakata the CCF programmes director expressed joy over the attendance and enthusiasm expressed by the Mentors. ‘’Time moved so fast, we didn’t even notice how we got to the end of the session. We all enjoyed every part of it.’’ She said. From the facilitators corner, in attendance was Dr Eve Kawadza, Campus Community Foundation’s Chairperson and serial mentor. Kudzai Mayanga represented Junior Champers International.

The session was driven by the International Coaching and Mentoring Foundation, ICMF which is an organisation that was established to support, develop and preserve highest levels of competency and integrity to corporates. With the expertise and experience of ICMF in coaching and mentorship, CCF is surely ripping a great dividend from smart a partnership.

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Participants were asked some of the simplest questions such as; “Have you ever been exposed to Mentorship and what did you benefit from the experience?” In response to the question, some mentors stated that they only came across a mentorship offer as they received their offer letters however after signing the document nothing came out of it. Such a response was a major confidence booster for the facilitators since it proved that their path of coaching and guiding the mentor was the better or rather best option. It insures a systematic and controlled approach to mentorship.

Another mile-stone was reached on the 22nd of April when the International Coaching and Mentoring Foundation, ICMF was again roped in to offer training to Mentees. This was a fun filled session, bubbling with energy and all vibrancy associated with youths. Seasoned coaches Mr Robert Mandeya and Mr Duri took turns to belt out chunks of invaluable knowledge to the prospective mentees. Basics of a mentorship program such as handling inter-sex and cross-race interaction, generation gap and punctuality were deliberated on. Mentees were encouraged to get into the program knowing exactly what they desire lest they waste eight months of their lives.

Mr R. Mandeya a columnist with the Financial Gazette and a representing of ICMF dished out an interactive and well researched session. He dissected and explained the entire concept of mentorship giving a sterling revelation of how mentorship has become revolutionary in catapulting youths to prosperity. In his words, many developed country have since adopted it and Zimbabwe is thus making well directed strides, thanks to this CCF initiative.

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Now that the Mentors have been thoroughly trained and Mentees are equally prepared for a life changing experience, the ship is now indeed offshore. With optimism, we wait to see the vessel in the deep waters and of course eventually celebrate its arrival at the destination in the next eight months.

(For more on the mentorship program and other works carried out by CCF, readers may visit www.campuscommunityfoundation.org )

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