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HomePoliticsChamisa Extends Olive Branch, Calls for Unity Ahead of Polls

Chamisa Extends Olive Branch, Calls for Unity Ahead of Polls

Opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa says he will not be revengeful against President Emmerson Mnangagwa once he is elected into office ahead of tomorrow’s harmonised elections.

Addressing thousands of party supporters at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe square in Harare yesterday, the opposition leader said he will recognise the incumbent as a former head of State and let bygones be bygones.

“To my brother Mr Mnangagwa, I will not strip you of your title as the former president. We are not going to be retributive. We will let bygones be bygones. Where you can help, you can. We need to unite and share ideas for the progress of our nation. Those who support Zanu PF, it’s not about political affiliation. Go and vote for your future. Go and vote for jobs for a better economy,” said Chamisa

Expressing his unwavering confidence, the opposition leader said there won’t be a repeat of the contentious 2018 elections.

“There is no way we will not [win]. Some people think there is going to be a repeat of 2018. Not this time. We are not donor-funded. We are funded by the citizens. We will not accept failure by Zec [Zimbabwe Electoral Commission] to fix V11s on polling stations. We will start celebrations on Thursday.  Tomorrow [Tuesday] we are tying up loose ends. We have managed to provide polling agents to all the 12 374 polling stations,” he said

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Chamisa said he had engaged the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) through a letter demanding the voters roll.

“I have also written to Zec this morning [Monday] demanding the copy of the voters roll that is going to be used in the elections,” said Chamisa

Chamisa will square off with Zanu PF’s Emmerson Mnangagwa in the Presidential poll which is also being contested by nine other candidates.

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