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HomeNewsChamisa Throws Own Legislators Under The Bus

Chamisa Throws Own Legislators Under The Bus

Nelson Chamisa

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa has thrown his legislators under the bus after it emerged that they all received the controversial US$40 000 loan from government.

Government has followed up on an earlier offer of US$500 000 and US$350 000 given to ministers and their deputies respectively by extending the same facility to legislators who got US$40 000 so that they can purchase residential stands.

The move has riled opposition aligned critics who feel the loan facility is Zanu PF’s strategy to trap and silence the opposition ahead of the 2023 harmonized elections.

Responding to a social media user who wanted to know his position on the US$40 000 loan move, Chamisa said it was wrong for them to prioritize themselves at the expense of citizens who are struggling to make ends meet due to the current economic situation in the country.

“In any public office, any decision that prioritizes self over the served is morally wrong, especially in a context where poverty pervades with citizens so hard pressed and in circumstances of lack,” said Chamisa.

The CCC leader had previously denounced the move saying government had abandoned its citizens whose most urgent needs have become secondary to that of chefs.

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“WRONG LEADERS USUALLY HAVE WRONG PRIORITIES. The role of a government is to address citizens’ most urgent and pertinent needs. When this is abandoned, such a government merits replacement. Any government that prioritizes ‘chefs’ over citizens is not fit for purpose,” said Chamisa.

Meanwhile, renowned author, Tsitsi Dangarembga has added her voice to critics unimpressed by opposition legislator’s decision to accept the money saying they have accepted bribes from the ruling party.

Dangarembga said “I really think CCC has just lost the election with that 40000 bribe. People stayed in the bush and sometimes had 8 grains of maize a day to eat. And opposition can’t resist a 40000 bribe. That is utter spinelessness.”

Journalist and top government critic, Hopewell Chin’ono has also been vocal against the opposition legislators’ acceptance of the government loan saying the money could have gone towards improving the country’s health service delivery which is struggling due to obsolete and dysfunctional equipment including x-rays and cancer machines.

“Zimbabwe’s MPs are receiving a one off US$40,000 totaling US$14 million whilst Zimbabwean hospitals have no paracetamol or bandages for patients,” said Chin’ono.

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