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HomeNewsChiwenga Urges Zimbabweans To Take Up COVID-19 Vaccine

Chiwenga Urges Zimbabweans To Take Up COVID-19 Vaccine

Vice President and Health Minister Constantino Chiwenga has urged Zimbabweans to take up the COVID-19 vaccine saying his presence at the official vaccination rollout program was to exhibit confidence in the Chinese jab.

Speaking after being vaccinated at Wilkins Hospital in Harare today, Chiwenga said Zimbabwe is targeting to achieve a head immunity of 10 million people.

“As you are aware that Zimbabwe received its initial vaccine of 200 000 vaccines from the People’s Republic of China, today marks the launch of the vaccine programme that is set to achieve a head immunity of 10 million Zimbabweans.

“The roll out programme which I have just mentioned will be administered to all the frontline workers that is the health services, ZIMRA, immigration officials and the health staff of the security services.

“My presence here today with some ministry of health officials including my deputy is to exhibit confidence in the sinopharm vaccine, therefore I urge all Zimbabweans to be vaccinated,” said Chiwenga.

Posting on Twitter, President Emmerson Mnangagwa said Chiwenga’s vaccination which he described as historic had showed that the sinopharm vaccine is safe for Zimbabweans.

“Thank you to Vice President and Health Minister Constantino Chiwenga for showing Zimbabwe that this vaccine is safe for all our people. This is a historic moment in our country’s fight against this virus,” said Mnangagwa.
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