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HomeNewsCorporal Punishment on Children Should Be Abolished: UNICEF

Corporal Punishment on Children Should Be Abolished: UNICEF


International children’s organisation, UNICEF has urged government of Zimbabwe to strengthen the legal and policy frameworks that protects children from various forms of violence, exploitation and abuse.

In an interview with 263Chat, a UNICEF representative, Dr Jane Muita said they are working with different stakeholders to address corporal punishment at schools and home adding that Zimbabwe is failing to implement existing laws that protect children.

“As a country we have a lot of laws but the problem is implementation .

“We are trying to align the laws to the constitution but its very slow so we need to make it fast so that we get laws that protects children

“We are working together with different stakeholders to make sure that they address corporal punishment at schools,home and the justice delivery sector,” said Muita.

Speaking at the launch of the Global UNICEF report on ending violence against children last week, the organisation’s Gender specialist, Catherine Makoni said world-wide, close to 130 million students between the ages of 13 and 15 experience bullying.

“World wide, close to 130 million students between the ages of 13 and 15 experience bullying with 732 million children between 6 and 17 year living in countries where corporal punishment is not fully prohibited.

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“Constitution prohibit degrading and humiliating punishment including corporal punishment as per ruling by High Court in March 2017.

“Corporal punishment is still permissible in schools through the Statutory Instrument 362 of 1998,efforts underway to review the Education Act & Children’s Act to prohibit corporal punishment 47% of females & 54% of males states that they had experienced physical violence from a teacher during childhood.

“59 school shootings that resulted in at least one reported fatality were recorded in 14 countries during the past 25 years,” said Makoni.

Childline Zimbabwe National Director, Stella Motsi said on average her organisation receives 50 000 calls per month with the most reported forms of abuse being sexual violence largely perpetrated by people known to the child.

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