Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthDoctors Blast Zanu PF For Politicizing Medicine

Doctors Blast Zanu PF For Politicizing Medicine

Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) has condemned the politically motivated partisan distribution of health services and goods by the ruling Zanu PF saying it defeats the accessibility of health services by all citizens while exposing the Ministry of Health and Child Care’s dabbling in politics.

In a statement released today (Wednesday), ZADHR said the distribution of drugs and services must be based on population, disease burden and current stocking levels and not on a parochial partisan political agenda.

“Partisan distribution of medical goods and services is an affront to health for all and the right of everyone to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health.

“As ZADHR we believe distribution of drugs and services must be based on population, disease burden and current stocking levels and not on a parochial partisan political agenda,” said ZADHR.

“Apart from just exposing the Ministry of Health from dabbling in political party electoral agendas, it raises questions on the criterion used by the Ministry in the distribution of drugs and medical sundries,” ZADHR added.

The organisation further called on the Zimbabwe Anti-Corruption Commission (ZACC) to investigate a possible abuse of office case by the Health Minister Dr Obadiah Moyo.

“ZADHR calls upon all stakeholders including the Zimbabwe Anti Corruption Commission (ZACC) to investigate the Minister on criminal abuse of office and bring him to account on the move,” charged ZADHR.

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Zanu PF caused a storm last week when a letter leaked online in which the party directed the Minister of Health and Child Care, Dr Obadiah Moyo to distribute medicines to Lupaka, Gomoza, St Pauls, Lake Alice, Lusulu and Lupanda clinics ahead of Lupane East by-elections.

Dr Moyo wrote back to the ZANU PF National Secretary for Commissariat Victor Matemadanda confirming actioning on the directive, instructing his Permanent Secretary of Health to “activate Natpharm to supply a list of clinics with medicines”.

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