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HomeBusinessEconomic Crisis: Buy Zimbabwe Calls For Normalcy

Economic Crisis: Buy Zimbabwe Calls For Normalcy

Buy Zimbabwe has called all its stakeholders to cooperate and ensure the supply, availability and affordability of local goods and services returns to normalcy.

In a statement released today, the organization urged local industries to be pro-active in developing a long term strategy for industrial development and job creation.

“Buy Zimbabwe requests all stakeholders to cooperate and ensure that the supply, availability and affordability of goods and services return to normalcy. Concurrently, Buy Zimbabwe urges stakeholders to be pro-active in developing a long term strategy for industrial development and job creation.

“From many accounts, in many different sectors impacted by the SI 122, there have been increases in capacity utilization, employment and revenue for the fiscus amongst other positive benefits. The temporary nature of the SI122 was well known and its conflict with Zimbabwe’s regional and internationally obligations have drawn justifiable criticism,” reads the statement.

The organization further called for a Local Content Policy buttressed by an Industrial and Trade Policy to resuscitate the economy.

“As we move forward, Buy Zimbabwe urges all stakeholders not to confuse and confound symptoms for the cause and the source of our current problems. Buy Zimbabwe urges all stakeholders to immediately adopt a credible Local Content Policy buttressed by an Industrial and Trade Policy that recognizes the primacy of agriculture and mining in resuscitating the economy for the accomplishment of Vision 2030.

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