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HomeNewsEmbrace Education 5.0 Model Industry Urged

Embrace Education 5.0 Model Industry Urged

President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged industry to embrace the government’s education 5.0 model within tertiary institutions for import substitution.

Under Education 5.0, Zimbabwe’s state universities must launch into outcomes-focused national development activities towards a competitive, modern and industrialized Zimbabwe. It is now all about problem-solving for value-creation.

President Mnangagwa made the remarks when he toured the US$80 million PPC Zimbabwe cement milling plant in Msasa, Harare.

“I exhort industry to ride on our Education 5.0 model, the innovation hubs and industrial parks within our institutions of higher learning for import substitution. Furthermore, industry should facilitate the creation of vibrant and sustainable value chain industries that will feed crucial raw materials as well as plant and equipment components into respective sub sectors of our economy.

“This will in turn give impetus motivation to the local content strategy which is a component of industrialization policy and promote the ‘Made in Zimbabwe’ programme” said Mnangagwa.

He implored the industry to increase production through innovation and the use of new technologies so that they become competitive.

“Leveraging on the prevailing macro-economic stability, I encourage the industry to increase production and productivity through innovation, research and development and the usage of new technology. The strategies and equipment you deploy must seek to make you competitive not only for the local market but for the export market as well. As you modernize, I urge you be alive to the need to ensure that the cost of cement products reach the consumer at more affordable prices.” he said

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President Mnangagwa said his administration remains committed to engage the private sector and will soon be unveiling a comprehensive roadmap for the industrial and commercial sectors.

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