Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeNewsEPL Weekly!!

EPL Weekly!!

What a weekend. This is why the EPL is the best league in the world. I have been away for a couple weeks… So lets get to it.

Arsenal LogoArsenal: They are the EPL’s current form team, with 8 straight wins. Propelling them to 2nd and dreaming of even the title. I think they rsurgence has come to late. Chelsea are way ahead. Arsenal spanked Liverpool 4-1 and essentially ended their top 4 hopes. Remember me telling u that Liverpool was “just visiting”the CL, well there u have it. Arsenal were in irresistible form and Brendan had no answers. I’m sure Sterling was thinking mmmmm maybe I should go to the Gunners lol. Burnley were a sterner test but at 1-0 the once shakey gunners looked in total control. Arsenal have a chance to stay at 2nd, they will be ruing they horrible start to the season.

Chelsea: How lucky were they against QPR. Look they don’t look the same team without Costa, no cutting edge upfront. Drogba is umm in a word DONE!!! U had to think if Chelsea were to score it was going to be Hazard to make the magic. And guess what it was his pass to Cesc that finished qpr. Look, I don’t think they will have the epic capitulation the Gunners need, but u have to worry if u are a Chelsea fan. Next 2 games are against UTD (in form UTD) and a very in form Gunners. If they played like they played against QPR, things could get interesting. Still my champions elect for the next 2 week grin emoticon

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UManUtd LogoTD: The “PHILOSOPHY”is working hehehehehe. Who woulda thunk it. UTD have been resilient and the players are buying into the Van Gaal magic it seems. LVG must be kicking himself for not playing Mata earlier in the season. Hey funny thing though, Mata and fellaini, were Moyes signings hehehehe. Can’t argue with results though, these guys are rolling and CL football beckons. If they take out chelsea next week, they could be in for the title, WTF!! Rooney is back to his best as a number 9 and Carrick has solidified that midfield. Their demolition of City was ummmm a shock. A shock I say shown by all the UTD fans coming out of hiding for the first time this season grin emoticon ……. Still they looked the UTD we have come to love or hate (always up for the big game), which brings me to City…

City: The laughing stock of the top 4 right now, they have stunk up the joint. A lot of the blame has been put on Yaya (blame the african right??) but i digress, the team has sucked in general. Pellegrini is not a tactical coach(kinda reminds me of arsene)…he has no clue what he is doing. Couple that with an ageing squad and well you have what is going on at City right now. Yaya has looked a shadow of himself, but so has Kompany and Aguero. Mangala looks a pure athlete with No bloody Brains…. U have to feel City need an overhaul in team, tactics and possibly manager. Right now they have the easier run in of all the teams vying for CL, but with this crap form they could be looking over their shoulders at liverpool or southampton.

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Games to look out for UTDvCFC, AFCvCFC, the really big one could be UTDvAFC, this match will have some crazy implications on maybe not just top 4 but the title as well.

My prediction: purely based on this weeks action. If UTD upset Chelsea though…..things could get a lot more interesting.

2. Arsenal
3. UTD
4.Southampton (Pelle is back scoring LOL)

Source: – www.ao1942.tumblr.com

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MK's Just Sayin!!!

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