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HomeNewsFugitive ex-Cop Arrested in Mozambique

Fugitive ex-Cop Arrested in Mozambique

Jaison Muvhevhi, a wanted ex-Criminal Investigations Department (CID) officer who shot three people dead in Wedza last week, ran out of luck this morning after crossing the Zimbabwean border, when he was apprehended by Mozambican police working with their Zimbabwean counterparts.

Muvhevhi shot and killed an apostolic sect leader before his congregants, Wedza Police Station Officer-in-Charge, Inspector Maxwell Hove and a male bartender. He is also reported to have seriously injured another police officer.

He was however caught this morning in Manica Province after crossing the porous border with Mozambique.

It is reported that efforts are underway to bring him back into the country to face justice.

Meanwhile the Wedza community remains in shock after witnessing chilling scenes of cold blood murder.

Human Rights and development advocacy group, the Wedza Residents Development Initiative Trust (WERDIT) has expressed shock over the shootings and called for peaceful resolutions to conflicts.

“The Wedza Residents Development Initiative Trust (WERDIT) sends its heartfelt condolences to families of the victims of the fatal shootings which occurred in Wedza District on January 13, 2023.The shocking incidents have left residents of Wedza living in fear. WERDIT believes in the sanctity of life and it is disheartening that lives of innocent people were cut short as a result of the fatal shootings. Peaceful resolutions to conflicts remains at the core of our work hence we condemn in the strongest of terms, the fatal shootings.

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“We applaud the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) for its continued efforts in ensuring that Muvhevhi, who is still at large, is brought to book. As WERDIT we are hopeful that justice will prevail and this will bring healing to relatives of the shootings. WERDIT urges residents of Wedza and the country at large to assist the police investigations in bringing Muvhevhi to book. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims of the shootings –May their souls rest in eternal peace.”

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