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HomeNewsFunny Vehicles Have Been Following Me: Biti

Funny Vehicles Have Been Following Me: Biti

MDC Alliance Vice president Tendai Biti has dispelled fears that he was abducted but confirmed that there are vehicles that have been following him over the past few weeks.

This follows social media reports that the Harare East legislator was last night abducted by unknown gunmen at his Borrowdale home in Harare.

The report even went on to quote MDC Alliance secretary general Chalton Hwende.

However, party Spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere dismissed the report saying it is fake and should be disregarded.

“Please be advised that SG @hwendec has not spoken to any journalists and the fake news article quoting him as having spoken about the whereabouts of VP @BitiTendai is untrue. Please disregard any information that doesn’t emanate from our official channels,” tweeted Mahere

In an interview with 263Chat, Biti said he believes that President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the ruling Zanu PF party and one Gakanje were involved.

“They have been swarming my office and as you know they invaded our offices when we had a press conference at our office on 26 October 2021. A lot of fun cars have been following me but I believe its Zanu PF and I believe it’s Emmerson Mnangagwa and I know that Simbanegavi is involved.

“I know that a CIO operative called Gakanje is involved but there is no unanimity, there is no agreement of the harm that they want to do to me and to Advocate Nelson Chamisa. So it’s a systematic onslaught we saw it in Masvingo, we saw it in Mutare and Mashonaland Central where we were last week.

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“It’s like we are in a war zone, a military zone we have had to use fun vehicles, we have had to walk kilometres and kilometres to avoid blockades, to avoid roadblocks and abductions. It 41 years after independence and it like I am in Beirut (Lebanon) or Afghanistan and its ridiculous.” said Biti

Two weeks ago Zanu PF aligned youths besieged Biti’s offices demanding to meet him but were however,barred from the premises by police officers from Milton Park.

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