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HomeNewsJustice Minister In Contempt of Court: Advocate Thabani Mpofu

Justice Minister In Contempt of Court: Advocate Thabani Mpofu

The legal team for lawyer and director of Zimbabwe Human Rights NGO Forum, Musa Kika has expressed concern over remarks by Justice Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi following the recent landmark High Court ruling.

The ruling declared the extension of Chief Justice Luke Malaba’s term of office as invalid however, Minister Ziyambi in his statements insinuated that the courts were captured.

Speaking to journalists in Harare, Mpofu said they have noted with serious concern the remarks by the Minister and have sought instructions from their consultant.

“Owing to the gravity of the matter, we wish to advice that we have firm instructions from our consultant to take the necessary legal action, including the institution of proceedings for Contempt of Court should the law not be faithfully and scrupulously adhered to.

“The statement issued by the Minister of Justice, legal and Parliamentary Affairs, himself a litigant in the proceedings, has caused both ourselves (as officers of the court) and our consultant (as the successful litigant), grave concern. Our consultant has accordingly taken a very serious view of the matter,” Advocate Mpofu said.

He said the Minister’s statements were meant to threaten other judges may become seized with the offshoots of this dispute.

“We call upon the Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs to remain faithful to his obligations as a Minister of the Government of Zimbabwe, a registered Legal Practitioner and a litigant. We however, have instructions to ensure that the seriousness with which the comments are viewed by our consultant be reflected in the corrective action to be taken.

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“For that reason, we advise that a letter has been written to the Registrar of the High Court, the Judge President and the Honourable justices who dealt with the matter requesting the issuance of a Citation for Contempt of Court against the Minister. The legal issues that arise from the matter must therefore be dealt with in the High Court. We believe the Minister must show cause why the High Court must not hold him to be in Contempt of Court.” said Advocate Mpofu.


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