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HomeGuest BlogMasvingo Residents Trust (MRT) demands transparency on German trip by City Council

Masvingo Residents Trust (MRT) demands transparency on German trip by City Council

The MRT and Masvingo residents in general are highly appalled by the rampant abuse of public funds by the Masvingo City Council management in the guise of some foreign trips that are not helping a rate payer. In as much as we acknowledge that its critical to have friends abroad as a city, we are shocked with the high number of people who comprise the council delegation to the city of Kernen in Germany. We are aware that initially the Full Council Meeting resolved to send four people namely The Mayory Hubert Fidze, Town Clerk Adolf Gusha, City Treasurer Mrs Dube and ward 10 councillor Lovemore Mufamba but some politicians from Zanu PF connived with Gusha to include ward 8 councillor Against Chiteme who belongs to their faction. No one has managed to stand against that and as we speak the five have since gobbled US$ 5700 in their two trips to Harare for VISA application. Each of them got $570 per trip. They are also going to pay US$ 6000 for air fares and that will bring the figure to US$ 11 700 before we include their daily allowances and accommodation in the German southern city of Kernen.

Although the cause remains noble, we highly denounce the inclusion of many people who do not add value to the council. A maximum number of three people were enough for the trip. Remember this is not the first time these trips were made. The twinning which started in 1992 has brought a lot of benefits to the city of Masvingo but at no time in the past 23 years has the city of Masvingo sent more than three people officially to Germany. Our question therefore is that what has become so special today ? We know that there is infighting in Zanu PF but that must not allowed to be done at the cost of ratepayers. We know that the management are holders of positions in Zanu PF but for God’s sake, we urge them not to take directives from MPs who are failing to address problems in their constituencies.

ALSO ON 263Chat:  Zanu PF Dishes out 135k stands to Epworth Residents

We also take this opportunity to urge councillors not to sleep on duty. They must never allow a situation where outsiders hand pick people to go for council trips. THAT MUST NEVER HAPPEN!!!

  • Masvingo Residents Trust
  • Facebook: Masvingo Residents Trust
  • Email: masvingoresidentsinformation@gmail.com 
  • +263 775 363 293/ +263 739 034 291


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