Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthMedical Doctors On ‘Go Slow’

Medical Doctors On ‘Go Slow’


Medical doctors who resumed work yesterday following a 40 day industrial action are reportedly on go slow, 263Chat can reveal.
A visit to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals yesterday revealed frustrations by patients who had to wait long hours to be served while some sadly lost lives after failing to get medical attention on time.
Security personnel manning the reception area were visibly under pressure from frustrated patients and their relatives complaining over the slow pace at which they are being served.
One woman sleeping on a stretcher bed could be heard groaning in front of unmoved medical staff.
After a while two nurses, one woman and a man started pulling the stretcher but the woman was stock-still.
Straight into a nearby room they locked themselves with relatives being ordered to remain outside.
A couple of minutes later, the patient they were attending to was reported dead.
Other patients and visitors sitting at the reception bench started murmuring.
“Mai ava vagara nguva yakareba vasina kana kumbotariswa kana kubatwa. Vatorwa nemanurse vatofa. Zvepano sure munhu unofa. Vanhu ava vari pastrike. Haasiriwo maitiriwo avo aya.
A few patients told 263Chat that the manner in which the medical staff have been treating them signalled a go slow.
“They have no urgency. We have been at this bench for an hour. They just pass by, appearing busy. But this is strange, they don’t usual behave like this,” said one of the patients.
Zimbabwe Hospitals Doctors Association (ZHDA) spokesperson Mthabisi Bhebhe could not be reached as his mobile phone went unanswered at the time of publishing.
But in statement to the press yesterday, the Zimbabwe Hospital Doctors Association (ZHDA) said they were returning to work begrudgingly while waiting for further resolutions in the ongoing negotiations.
“Sadly, with no salary review, and frozen December salaries in this rough and ravaging economic environment, it remains a dilemma how our members will report to work daily. Indeed, poor remuneration and the current fuel shortage remain a threat that may spontaneously hinder our members from reporting to work daily and discharging quality health services to patients. That being said, our members have begrudgingly resumed work with effect from today, as dialogue continues,” said ZHDA.

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