Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeMiningMugwadi Celebrates Poll Victory with Mine Project and Smart Borehole For Buhera

Mugwadi Celebrates Poll Victory with Mine Project and Smart Borehole For Buhera

Buhera West MP Tafadzwa Mugwadi has celebrated his victory in the recent harmonized elections by commissioning a smart borehole facility in his area and announcing a mine project that will employ 2,000 villagers.

Mugwadi won the election by a landslide, bagging 11,037 votes against his main CCC rival Mangwana Herbert’s 6,997 votes.

To celebrate his victory, Mugwadi announced a quarry mining project under Prevail International Group, which is expected to create jobs for thousands of families.

“We are glad to be partnering with Prevail Group on this quarry mining project,” Mugwadi said. “This is just reflective of President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s mantra Nyika Inovakwa neve e vaya (the country is built by its people).”

The mine will be essential for the dualisation of the Murambinda-Birchnough highway, as it will provide the necessary quarry material.

Multi-million machinery for this quarry mine is already on the ground with work expected to commence soon.

Mugwadi also commissioned a smart solar-powered borehole in the late opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai’s village.
“We are leaving no one behind,” Mugwadi said. “ZANU-PF is a party for all, and we will continue to serve all our people, regardless of their political affiliation.”

Speaking on the sidelines, Prevail Group chairperson Paul Tungwarara said that his company’s development projects would not stop despite ZANU-PF’s poll victory.

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“We will not stop,” Tungwarara said. “All our developmental projects will continue in this post-poll environment, because they were initiated with honesty to serve the country’s 35,000 villages.”

Prevail Group has been spearheading the Presidential Borehole Drilling Scheme, which has already covered over a thousand villages across the country.

The new mine project and borehole are a welcome development for the people of Buhera, who have long been in need of jobs and improved access to water. Mugwadi’s commitment to serving all his constituents, regardless of their political affiliation, is also a positive sign for the future of the country.

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