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HomeNewsMzembi tears into Air Zimbabwe …

Mzembi tears into Air Zimbabwe …

….calls for the opening up of skies

Zimbabwe has to open up the airspace in order to improve connectivity and subsequently increase the number of tourists, Minister Mzembi has said.

The tourism and hospitality ministry has a projected 5.1% annual growth and brags of a  2%  stake of  the combined $56 million generated from tourism by all African countries.

To increase the tourism revenue lines, Mzembi said the skies should be opened to allow diversification and competition which leads to a growth in the number of tourist coming to Zimbabwe.

Mzembi attacked the country’s struggling Airline, Air Zimbabwe saying it should be obliterated to pave way for new players.

Speaking during World Tourism Day commemorations on Friday, Minister Mzembi said new players should be allowed to navigate the skies.

Yedu iyi iri kurwara, (our Air Zimbabwe is not reliable) so what do we do, ngaibve tikande dzimwe (We should get rid of it) and give access to viable companies that are reliable and bring tourists to Zimbabwe.

Hatifanirwi kuti kana yedu iyi inorwara isati yasimuka hapana inosimuka (we should not be strict with other players because ours is not performing well)


Hatifanirwi kuti kana yedu iyi inorwara isati yasimuka hapana inosimuka

Minister Mzembi said restrictions on the airlines hinder development.

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“Lack of full liberalization of the skies for airlines is a major stumbling block to the development of the country‘s aviation.

“We want the travelers to bring their economies to Zimbabwe as they come for consultations and conferences. To do so we need reliable Airlines,” said minister Mzembi.

He also said a lucrative and well-organised airline would be a bonus for Zimbabwe’s booming tourism sector.

Minister Mzembi blasted border policies saying that they hinder the country from getting the targeted number of tourists.

“Cumbersome visa regulations have curtailed the number of visitors coming to Zimbabwe.

“Visa on arrival measures should be implemented,” said Mzembi adding that government should also introduce e-visa.

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Journalist based in Harare

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  • Very true, this industry has to be liberalized like any other industries. Liberalisation has proven benefits such as efficiency and effectiveness which result from competition

  • But I thought we already have the e-visa system. Please are using it everyday to apply for visas. Perhaps what does need to be adjusted is the number of people working on them so that the process in more efficient, and customer friendly.

    Frankly, its the VAT and now ZESA load-shedding that is going to mess up tourist influx. Airlines will increase after the VFAirport is complete.

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