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HomeNewsNational Dialogue Calls Not Genuine: Busha

National Dialogue Calls Not Genuine: Busha


FreeZim Congress party president Joseph Makamba Busha has downplayed calls by rival politicians to have a national dialogue saying they are not genuine.

Addressing journalists in Harare soon after his party’s policy conference over the weekend, Busha said politicians are making noise about national dialogue because they want to position themselves to access wealth.

“The calls for political dialogue to come up with a government of national unity or transitional authority are not genuine. These politicians are making noise in order to force a government of national unity so that they get positions in government. They are doing so for personal aggrandisement not for the good of the generality of citizens,” said Busha

He outlined his party vision for the country should they be elected into office in the coming 2023 national elections.

“We emphasise on rule of law, property, and human rights. FreeZim congress will have a lean government. The party will reduce the number of provinces to five to eliminate corruption, patronage, and executive excess. It will invest heavily in research and development.

“There will be economic hubs with functional in-country development projects. Corporate tax will be reduced to 7%. There should be sustainable pension schemes. Territorial, socio-political and economic independence are key ingredients for success. Thus there is a need for employment creation,” Busha said.

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Busha also dismissed the idea of a foreign mediator in the country’s political standoff saying Zimbabweans have solutions to their problems and do not need a foreign mediator.

The conference was attended by party members from across the country amid calls for peace as the party positions itself for the next general elections.

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