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HomeNewsNew Zanu PF Aligned Outfit Ropes In Police, Army

New Zanu PF Aligned Outfit Ropes In Police, Army


The ruling Zanu-PF party appears desperate to capture every sector of the population ahead of the 2023 elections after a new entity by the name Civil Servants TrustED which includes members of the security forces registered its presence.

In an interview with a local publication, Secretary-General of the outfit, Duku Chigumira said they were targeting all civil servants including soldiers and police.

“Ours is an umbrella body that seeks to incorporate the rest of the civil servants who are not represented,” Chigumira said.

“We are drawing our membership from Agritex workers, police, soldiers, prison officers, and all those who work in government departments. We are supporting President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s Vision 2030.

“We are government workers and the highest-ranking civil servant is the President, so we have to support him. We have launched Civil Servants TrustED in eight provinces save for two Matabeleland provinces where we have had communication problems,” he said.

Meanwhile, police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi distanced the force from the grouping insisting that they were not consulted prior to its set-up.

“Police’s major role is to maintain law and order and promote peace in the country.

“However, all organizations that seek or claim to work with the police should do so with the knowledge of the command office. Such organizations should notify the commissioner-general first,” said Nyathi.

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