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HomeNewsNkomo Calls for Genuine Redress for Gukurahundi Genocide

Nkomo Calls for Genuine Redress for Gukurahundi Genocide

Opposition ZAPU leader Michael Sibangilizwe Nkomo has raised concern over President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s handling of the Gukurahundi genocide purported reconciliation process.

Addressing journalists in Harare, Friday, Nkomo denounced what he described as President Mnangagwa’s attempt to deceive the public into believing his sincerity in addressing the issues.

“We have witnessed an attempt by President Emmerson Mnangagwa to deceive our people into thinking that he sincerely wants to address the Gukurahundi genocide. ZAPU is fully aware of the need and urgency for finding permanent and sustainable closure over this emotional subject. We have communicated directly with Mr. Mnangagwa, expressing our reservations regarding the whole process.

“Our major discontentment is the fact that the perpetrator is not only in charge of the process but determines the terms of the whole process. As if that is not enough, ZAPU, the primary target of the Gukurahundi military operation has not been considered by the government. We have clearly stated that any process that does not include us as victims is an exercise in futility,” said Nkomo

Nkomo urged President Mnangagwa to halt the current process, consult widely, and ensure a more inclusive and victim-centered approach.

“It is for this reason that we appeal to President Mnangagwa to halt the process and consult widely so that for once, he can do something that can outlive his chequered legacy,” he said

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Addressing recent remarks by Chief Fortune Charumbira that the killings should not be classified as a genocide, Nkomo urged chiefs to stand with their subjects and speak truth to power.

“We appeal to our chiefs to avoid being caught on the wrong side of history. Protect your subjects from wanton abuse and provocation at this time when they need you the most. To the government we say, as ZAPU we desire to see a process of genuine redress for Gukurahundi. The process has to be inclusive, victim centered, wholesome, sincerely based on truth telling, naming of perpetrators and restorative justice. Again, to our honorable chiefs we say, speak out against the displacements of your subjects happening across the country. You lose nothing in your stature by standing with your subjects and speaking truth to power.” he said

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