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HomeNewsPolice Raise Concern Over Lockdown Violations

Police Raise Concern Over Lockdown Violations

The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) has raised concern over an increase in national lockdown violations across the country’s major cities.

In a statement, Police national spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said members of the public have become complacent in the observance of the national lockdown measures.

“The Zimbabwe Republic Police has noted that some members of the public have become complacent and are now violating the national lockdown measures in various suburbs in the country and committing various offences which include unnecessary movements, liquor offences and others.

“In Harare, Bulawayo, Gweru, Mutare and Masvingo motorists are transporting commuters in open defiance of the lockdown measures. Motorists are warned against conniving with unruly security service members to gain passage at check points as they will be dealt with in terms of the law,” said Ass Comm Nyathi

Ass Comm Nyathi said the Government imposed lockdown and curfew were still in force and those found on the wrong side of the law will be arrested.

“Members of the public should take note that the lockdown and curfew order are still in force and police will arrest all those found violating these regulations and ensure only essential service providers are accessing central business districts.

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“The Police reiterate its call for the public to stay at home mask up and comply with all safety measures put in place by the Government to avoid spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic and avoid being found on the wrong side of the law.” he said.

Meanwhile, Ass. Comm. Nyathi said police arrested 3 236 people throughout the country for contravening COVID-19 regulations. 997 were arrested for not wearing masks and 1 756 were arrested for unnecessary movement bringing the total number of arrests since March 30, 2020 to 389 944.

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