Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeNewsRains Disrupt Zanu PF DCC Elections

Rains Disrupt Zanu PF DCC Elections


Torrential rains in various parts of the country have disrupted the smooth flow of the Zanu PF District Coordinating Committee (DCC) elections.

Addressing journalists at the party Headquarters in Harare, Zanu PF national chairperson Oppah Muchinguri-Kashiri said the DCC elections in some parts of the country had progressed well without incidences however some roads were inaccessible due to rains.

“I am happy to report that the DCCs election process has progressed well and have achieved 80% completion without any major incidences of violence, intimidation and indiscipline. Notably, Mashonaland Central Province performed above board with no adverse reports brought to the attention of the National Command Centre,” said Muchinguri.

She acknowledged logistical challenges after an overwhelming voter turnout in some areas.

“Whist, we recognise the positive results on the ground we acknowledge challenges with regards to delays in the distribution of ballot papers and boxes, inequitable distribution of ballot papers and shortage of presiding. In some areas, we experienced an overwhelmingly voter turnout thus constraining logistical resources. However, this was timeously addressed.

“Additionally, the current rainy upon us led some roads being inaccessible in the Gokwe North and Mberengwa districts in the Midlands province, Mashonaland Central (Mbire and Muzarabani) as well as Sanyati in Mashonaland West.

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“In some areas there was low voter turnout due to incessant rains, for example, in Matebeleland north Nkayi district and Matebeleland South Provinces. The late arrival of election material and personnel at polling centres in remote areas delayed the voting process” she said.

Muchinguri warned that those who choose to act contrary to the set rules and guidelines the party will investigate and should there be evidence of manipulation a rerun may be recommended.

“We are aware that there are some areas where some individuals may have chosen to act contrary to the rules and guidelines that were given. In such cases thorough investigations will be conducted and should there be clear and irrefutable evidence of some manipulation of the system or rules, it must be made very clear that the National Command Centre may recommend reruns in order to make sure that the will and wishes of party members are respected.”



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