Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeHealthRelease Information On Corona Virus, Health Minister Urged

Release Information On Corona Virus, Health Minister Urged

The Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights (ZLHR) have petitioned the Minister of Health and Child Care Dr. Obadiah Moyo to release information on health threats posed by the corona virus in the country.

In a letter to Dr. Moyo ZLHR called on the Minister to disclose information on the deadly virus as enshrined in the constitution.

“As you are no doubt aware, Section 62 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe read together with Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Chapter 10:27) guarantees the right to every person, to right of access to information that is held by any person including the state both in the interests of public accountability and for the exercise or protection of a right.

“We are aware from information that is publicly available that the Corona Virus, whose epicenter Wuhan in China has now reached this continent and our neighbours,” read the letter from ZLHR

ZLHR said given the state of our health system which has deteriorated the country in under considerable threat.

“Given the extensive human and air traffic between Zimbabwe and our neighbours including China we are of the considered view that Zimbabwe is under considerate threat. It cannot be denied by any rightful thinking person that in the recent times our public health services have seriously deteriorated”

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ZLHR said recent media reports suggesting a case of corona virus at Wilkins hospital does not seem to have been publicly confirmed or refuted by the responsible authority including the Health Ministry.

The Human Rights Lawyers said “we are surprised that even the home page of the Ministry’s website has nothing or whatsoever on Corona Virus. We are both appalled and very concerned at your appearance to the real threat of this deadly virus”

The lawyers recommended that the Ministry should provide information to the public confirming the presence of corona virus including infections that have been seen at health centres including carrying out awareness through mass media.


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