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HomeNewsRetailers Welcome Relaxation of Import Duties on Essential Grains

Retailers Welcome Relaxation of Import Duties on Essential Grains

The Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers (CZR) has expressed its approval of the government’s decision to remove Value Added Tax (VAT) on rice and potato seed, along with the relaxation of import duties on essential grains such as maize and wheat.

In a statement, CZR president Denford Mutashu said the move is poised to alleviate the burden on households and bolster the competition.

“The removal of VAT on rice is a welcome move, as the next substitute for maize, rice must be affordable to all households. This is in line with regional parity and will ensure our retailers can compete with imports,” said Mutashu

The CZR president praised the government’s announcement of duty-free importation of maize, rice, and cooking oil by households, set to take effect from July 2024.

“The relaxation of grain imports being Maize and Wheat is most welcome in ensuring that retailers and wholesalers can sufficiently stock up to mitigate against the expected El Nino induced drought. The removal of VAT on potato seed is also welcome as it provides yet another basic food substitute.

“The Confederation of Zimbabwe Retailers commends the government on announcing duty-free importation of maize, rice, and cooking oil by households. We believe this will go a long way in easing pressure on the general citizenry of the country,” he said

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Mutashu also welcomed the re-activation of the Grain Mobilisation Committee, highlighting its pivotal role in ensuring effectiveness and transparency in grain distribution.

“The re-activation of the Grain Mobilisation Committee is also a welcome development as it will play a massive role in ensuring effectiveness and transparency,” Mutashu added.

CZR extended its gratitude to President Dr. Emmerson Mnangagwa and the government for their consultative approach in considering their recommendations.

“We would like to thank His Excellency President Dr. Emmerson Mnangagwa and his government for their consultative approach. We are happy that all our recommendations have been taken on board. We hope that the necessary statutory instruments on the part of the government will be fast-tracked to ensure pricing is effected on the shelf as a matter of urgency,” he said

CZR reiterated its commitment to ensuring responsibility, availability, and fair pricing of basic staple foods such as maize meal, rice, flour, and cooking oil.

 With the government’s supportive policies in place, the organization emphasized its role in protecting consumers during the challenging drought season.

“Now that the government has done its part, it is our responsibility as retailers and millers to ensure consumers are protected and not short-changed in this difficult drought season,” said Mutashu

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