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HomeNewsSide Netting — EPL Matchday 24

Side Netting — EPL Matchday 24

Allison oh Allison, again Bruh, AGAIN!!! City literally shit on Sp*rs, Gondugun on FIRE!! UTD, well, do a UTD. Auba scores a hatrick, and Chelsea looking dangerous again.

Liverpool v Leicester: So Liverpool dominated this game for about 70 minutes, an absolute peach of an assist from Firmino to Salah. But then VAR for once favors a side other than Liverpool and all of a sudden Leicester were back in it. At this point even I felt like Liverpool would still be able to get the win, but then Allison happened. WTF was he doing!!!?? 2nd weekend in a row and Allison has cost Liverpool points. Best Keeper in the world they told me, SMH!! You can miss me with that bullshit. He needs to make better decisions. At this rate Liverpool are going to struggle to make the Champions league. Chelsea, Everton and Westham are all in way better form right now and only one point behind with games in hand. Liverpool need to find results, but they can ill afford to have a trash goalkeeper costing them points when they have absolutely NO centerbacks. BTW am I the only who thinks Thiago is a liability defensively in that midfield ?. Great on the ball but, my word, he is lacking athleticism when teams run at Liverpool.

Shout out to Brandon Rodgers and Leicester for sticking with it and sticking it to his old team. I mean, don’t sleep on Leicester in the title race. But, it is Brandon, and he was in a similar position for the top 4 last season and managed to fuck it all up at the end. Can he keep up and get the “choke” monkey off his back?

City v Sp*rs: Ok, we all knew what was going to happen here. City are on a roll, 16 wins in a row. Jose had no answers, and it was that guy Gondugoan doing the it with 2 goals for City. That second, what and assist from Ederson. And Gundo shaking Sanchez and making him face plant before scoring was icing on the cake. Now Jose saying they dominated the game is absolute GARBAGE!! He also said they were tired and City was fresh, WTF!!! Excuses, excuses Jose. Your team is not the only team that played midweek. Sp*rs are in trouble, Jose is imploding and it will be hella expensive to get rid of him. City on the other hand are just plain scary. Sure we know KDB and Aguero are out, but today no DIAS too, and still they dominated what is supposed to be a “good” Sp*rs side. Champions elect? I am sure the rah rah boys in the red half of Manchester have something to say ?. Does anyone think Delli Alli is resembling Jesse Lingard more and more? Same guy right?!

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UTD: I got a lot of shit from the rah rah boys for saying Liverpool and City were the two best teams in the league, SMH!! So, let me give Player Fucking 2 some credit. Well, I can’t really give them credit this week can I. UTD shot themselves in the foot AGAIN. Playing a destined for relegation Westbrom, you thought this would be a beat down. But nope, UTD did a UTD and shit the bed. All the possession and very little to show for it. Bruno to the rescue again to get at least a point. Now people will say they didn’t lose, but if you are “challenging” for the title as their fans claim, you can’t be drawing with Westbrom when City is running riot on better teams like Sp*rs and Leicester. UTD are not a great side, they have some truly great players, but as a team, something is just missing. It sometimes feels like Ole puts a team sheet together and just says “Go play guys”. There is no plan. Anyway thanks to Westbrom, we will have a rather quiet week, the rah rah boys are back in their hole.

Arsenal v Leeds: I am not going to talk much about this. 2 midtable sides and a rather entertaining game. Auba came back and got a hatrick. For me the real star is Saka. At 19 years old this kid is already the best player on the team. YES, I said it, BEST player on the team. To do this at 19 is amazing. A lot of comparisons on who is better, him or Foden. I honestly don’t care, he plays for Arsenal and is Amazing. Other than that, this was really a nothing game for Arsenal. Most of the games this season will be nothing games from now on. All they can do is spoil other peoples chances of making the top 4.

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Chelsea: Um so it was Fat Frank sinking Chelsea? Damn shame. No one has scored against Chelsea since Tuchel took over. And players Lampard had benched and forgotten about are doing the business. Timo finally scored in the league again. 100 days no goal in the Prem. There is an energy to this side now, and well, we could put it down to the new manager bounce too. But, lets put things into perspective here, Chelsea are beating teams that SUCK. Newcastle are straight TRASH, Burnley and relegation bound Sheffield too. Throw in a terrible Sp*rs side under Mourinho as well. You can only beat what is put in front of you, but, I will wait to see how they do against better opposition before putting them in the top 4 race officially. Tammy and Odoi need to have a talk about who their Daddy is, those dudes look like twins ?.

Power Rankings

  1. City — I really don’t have to say anything here.
  2. UTD — I was tempted to put Leicester here after a shocking lack of conviction by UTD at the weekend
  3. Leicester — These guys are for real
  4. Chelsea — If they are for real, they will be a problem
  5. Westham — Dafuq is Moyes giving to these guys, Jesse “f****g” Lingard showing out!!!
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MK's Just Sayin!!!

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