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HomeNewsStanbic Kickstarts Countrywide Distribution Of Covid-19 Donations

Stanbic Kickstarts Countrywide Distribution Of Covid-19 Donations

Leading financial services institution, Stanbic Bank has kick-started the distribution of US$200 000 worth of equipment to health institutions throughout the country for use by frontline workers in the fight against the menacing Covid-19.

The Standard Bank Group subsidiary pledged to purchase equipment to help fight Covid-19 in April and has now taken delivery of US$200 000 worth of 32 500 pieces of Personal Protective Equipment (PPEs) which include suits, masks, face shields and goggles; 2 400 PCR tests, 3 000 sanitizers and 5 ventilators expected in the country this month.

The bank is also drilling two boreholes – one each in Harare and Bulawayo in a bid to assist communities with water supply during this difficult time.

Stanbic kicked off the countrywide distribution of PPEs by handing over 200 suits, 1 500 masks, 300 N95 masks, 50 face shields, 200 goggles and 2000 gloves to the soon-to-be-opened St Anne’s Hospital in Harare on Friday. The Hospital, which is one of the health institutions designated to attend to Covid-19 patients, is due to receive one ventilator in the coming weeks.

Stanbic Bank’s non-executive board members also donated ZW$282 700 of their personal funds to the hospital, and attended to witness the donations made by the bank.

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The remainder of the equipment is to be handed over to Wilkins Hospital, Gweru Provincial Hospital, Thorngrove, Masvingo Provincial and Mutare Infectious hospitals throughout this week.

Speaking at the handover event, which was also attended by Stanbic Bank’s Chief Executive, Joshua Tapambgwa and other executives, non-executive board member Nellie Tiyago said the financial institution fully supports the frontline workers who face the pandemic first hand at their workstations.

“There are many frontline workers and we appreciate their efforts and today we are here to support the medical front liners who can in no way escape or avoid this war as they are the backbone of the survival of our people even when we are not in times of crisis. Our healthcare workers cannot function without the personal protective equipment and we appreciate the risk involved when discharging their duties,” said Tiyago

She said Stanbic Bank is pleased to play its part by following the lead of the government in mitigating the spread of the virus while keeping essential services up and running.

“We have seen frontline workers from various sectors serve our people with so much courage and hope, their commitment has given us strength to join to be in the fight by staying at home to protect them and ourselves,” she said.

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She saluted other corporates and well-wishers who have donated to the fight against Covid-19 and encouraged more to do the same

“This is a battle for all of mankind, as a country, we will overcome and can continue rebuilding our nation.”

St Anne’s Hospital representative, Sister Mary said the donation was the boost needed to breathe life in the hospital which is set to open for Covid-19 patients soon.

“We are really grateful to Stanbic Bank for this donation. It gives us comfort that the hospital will open well-resourced and ready to play its part in fighting Covid-19. This Hospital will receive middle line and critical care patients and the staff will need PPEs hence our gratitude to Stanbic Bank for availing these,” said Sister Mary.

Stanbic’s contribution has extended beyond the purchase of PPEs and other equipment, through the provision of US$2.8 million credit and allocation of foreign currency to its clients in the medical industry to acquire needed health care items to help fight this pandemic.

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