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HomeNewsThe Wave Of Change Is Unstoppable: Chamisa

The Wave Of Change Is Unstoppable: Chamisa


Opposition MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa says he will not be distracted by Monday’s events in which suspected Zanu PF members attacked his entourage in Masvingo.

Posting on microblogging Twitter, the MDC Alliance president condemned the attacks calling on President Emmerson Mnangagwa to stop the violence.

“Barbaric and desperate. Mr ED STOP this violence. STOP this abuse of the police and the state to persecute & disrupt the opposition. STOP dividing people and destroying this beautiful country. STOP buying and paying some who pretend to be opposition. We and the change wave are unstoppable!” posted Chamisa.

According to the MDC Alliance over 200 youths mobilized by ZANU PF had violently attacked Chamisa’s convoy and advance team on their way to meet community leaders in Masvingo.

Videos shared on social media show hundreds of people waving placards with insulting messages targeted at Chamisa. Another video showed smashed windscreen and windows of one of Chamisa’s vehicles with scores of people reportedly injured and taken to hospital for medical attention.

Party spokesperson Fadzayi Mahere has condemned the attack on Chamisa saying Zanu was terrified of citizens converging for change.

“The political violence that’s being meted out at President Chamisa’s delegation in Masvingo is cause for concern. Barricading roads with burning logs and chanting hate speech is primitive politics. The regime is terrified of citizens converging for change,” said Mahere.

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Ruling Zanu PF Director of Information, Tafadzwa Mugwadi yesterday dismissed the alleged attack on Chamisa’s entourage insinuating that its agenda setting pending the United Nations rapporteur on sanctions.

“We are aware of the @mdczimbabwe provocations aimed at setting the agenda and stage for the coming UN Rapporteur on sanctions @AlenaDouhan. This is what their youths did to my vehicle after a well organised strike at my residence. I have reported to @PoliceZimbabwe. They were seen!” charged Mugwadi.

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