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Home#263ChatNgarivhume Ups Coalition Talks With Tsvangirai

Ngarivhume Ups Coalition Talks With Tsvangirai


Transform Zimbabwe President Jacob Ngarivhume has announced that his party is in talks with the Morgan Tsvangirai led Movement for Democratic Change for a possible electoral alliance ahead of the 2018 elections.

By Philemon Jambaya

In his Africa Day statement, Ngarivhume said they will soon announce to Zimbabweans the outcome as soon as as they finalise their talks.

“We are in talks with the MDC T for a possible electoral alliance what most people call a coalition, we will announce to Zimbabweans and the world at large as soon as we finalise our talks” said the veteran Politician.

National People’s Party (NPP) and MDC which is led by Professor Welshman Ncube have all signed separate Memorandum of Understanding with the MDC T for a possible electoral alliance ahead of the watershed 2018 harmonised elections.

Most Zimbabweans have encouraged opposition political parties to work together for them to successfully dislodge Zanu PF from power.

Political analyst Takudzwa Maparume said that a coalition is a way to go and for Zimbabweans to win their country back from Mugabe and his gang is to be united.

“A coalition will solve our political problems, it is the only way which will help Zimbabweans to win their country back from the aging Mugabe” said Maparume.

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Another political commentator Kudakwashe Munemo said the coalition should include all players for it to succeed.

“A coalition fronted by political leaders alone may not be the panacea to dislodge the current government, more has to be done, Zimbabweans should be able to articulate the Zimbabwe they want rather than just removing the current regime,” said Munemo.

President Robert Mugabe previously dismissed the impact of an opposition coalition saying it is a zero sum zero affair which will not defeat him.

In his response, Ngarivhume said Mugabe is the least person to advise the opposition on how to tussle power from his faction ridden party.

Ngarivhume has also encouraged young people to shun violence which he said is retrogressive.

“Young people should not be used to perpetrate violence, our young people should take a leading role in campaigning for violent free elections because kana ngozi yakuuya inouya kumba kwako kwete kwaMugabe (Avenging spirits will haunt you and your family not Mugabe),” said  Ngarivhume.

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