Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeVideoVideo: #263Profiles: Nyaradzo Mashayamombe – Executive Director at Tag a Life International (TaLI)

Video: #263Profiles: Nyaradzo Mashayamombe – Executive Director at Tag a Life International (TaLI)

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263Chat is a Zimbabwean media organisation focused on encouraging & participating in progressive national dialogue

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  • you go girl ….have seen you rise ..and doing a supper good job ..i love the way your voice changes when you start talking about TALI ..can feel the passion in it compared to when you were talking about yourself ..so selfless..proud of you

    • This is very true. A living hero amongst us. Grateful to Nyari for agreeing to be interviewed and profiled by our team 🙂

      • SirNige that means a lot from you. Thanks for your great platform for telling my story! #263Chat is amazing and going far. We will do another one in 10years when i’m a millionaire.. hahaha

        • …sooner I bet 🙂

    • Wow Felly thank you so much. You been such a pillar of strength to me, you went from being a friend now to being family! Thank you for your love and support all the way. You were there when most of the dreams became a reality. When I would dream and you would believe it. Thanks doll! Love you!

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