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What opposition parties say about coalition?

Below are perspectives of the country’s main opposition parties regarding the formation of a coalition.

Complied by Lovemore Mutongwiza

“Parties must stick together. There is no alternative for that. And I have in the past argued that it’s unforgivable that opposition parties are not sticking together.There are of cause challenges in the opposition movement. The opposition is not full of angels. There are a lot of reptiles in the opposition ranks.We should be able to come together on a minimum platform and the minimum is an electoral alliance, ” Tendai Biti, President People’s Democratic Party

“Let’s find strategic areas where we can coalesce as opposition parties.We need coalition to be able to unseat Robert Mugabe and his gang of philanderers,” PDP spokesperson,Jacob Mafume  

“We never said we are not interested in a coalition.The issue falls directly under the office of the president. We agreed on that so that we do not send mixed signals.This is a very serious matter, very sensitive and we deliberately took a stance that at the right and most opportune moment, Morgan will come out and make a statement. So be patient.Coalitions will come when they want to come. We don’t want anyone to feel forced. We don’t want a forced marriage. Let things happen at the right time,” MDC-T Spokesperson, Obert Gutu

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 “We have to engage ourselves purposefully and not one person wanting to be bigger than the other. For us it’s important that we meet as equals and we all know that the people of Zimbabwe are the decision makers and if they are opposed to what we can offer ourselves then we are doomed.It does not matter how good I might think I’m but if people do not see me as being good, it is their right to choose,” Renewal Democrats of Zimbabwe President, Elton Mangoma.

“It is our hope that opposition parties should rally together to remove ZANU PF.I’m sure they will not have any opportunity to form another government,” Zimbabwe People First, Ambassador Agrippa Mutambara

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