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HomeNewsYouths call for stiffer penalties on child rape perpetrators

Youths call for stiffer penalties on child rape perpetrators

YOUNG people have urged government not to be lenient when convicting child rape perpetrators so as to end early child marriages in the country.

By Edward Makuzva

Addressing delegates at a conference organized by Women’s University in Africa (WUA) on Child Sensitive Social Policies in Harare on Friday, Child Chief President for Chivi North Constituency, Tsitsi Bvumburai said child rape perpetrators should be booked and sentenced to jail.

Bvumburai said the age of consent to sex should be immediately shifted to 18 years; if possible the government on Monday(09 November 2015) should call up Parliament session to debate on the issue.

She also suggested that offenders should be under police and the Welfare Department supervision after serving their jail sentences.

“The imprisonment penalty may be increased to twenty-five years as the children who are being abused have no capabilities of countering back.

“Obviously new amendments must be made under the Child Act to allow for more deterrent punishment to punish offenders so as to prevent such cases from recurring.

“It becomes more heartbreaking when the punishment against the abuser is seen as not equitable, leaving children victimized from sexual, physical and emotional to be permanently traumatized”, Bvumburai added.

She said it is fair to give a long prison sentence to the child abuser especially if it is done by someone who is supposed to be responsible for providing care and protection to children.

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Apart from child rape perpetrators the Chivi North  Child President, said young people are facing challenges in life such as hunger, health, education and child rights.

“Food programmes should be introduced in schools and the government should directly monitor the children than their parents.

“As children we say “Anything for us without us” is totally against us.

“The government should introduce health workers in schools and health club in very school so as to educate students on young people in sexual rights”, she explained.

The Child Chief President said nutritious food and health facilities should be accessible and affordable for instance children living in the streets specifically the Samora Machel Street.

What is the government doing about it about it about their food security?

Bvumburai highlighted that students should be educated of their rights, and their responsibilities, according to the constitution they are protected by the state.

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