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HomePoliticsZanu PF In Panic Mode Says MDC Alliance

Zanu PF In Panic Mode Says MDC Alliance


MDC Alliance Secretary General Chalton Hwende says the ruling Zanu PF party is in panic mode following the launch of the Agenda 2021 program by the opposition party president, Nelson Chamisa.

In a statement, Hwende said the ruling party was using state media to suggest that there is infighting within the opposition movement.

“The MDC-Alliance notes with concern ZANU PF’s continued abuse of state media for its propaganda drive. We are aware that the falsehoods are driven by panic in the ZANU PF regime, unsettled by the unity, resilience and fighting spirit within the People’s Party in particular by the success of our Agenda 2021 Program launched by the People’s President Nelson Chamisa at a time when the regime thought of writing the people’s movement’s epitaph.

“The People’s Party has withered the unrelenting onslaught from ZANU PF and its surrogates which was aimed at permanently annihilating the People’s Party. The protracted onslaught on the People’s Party in the past 24 months includes state engineered rebellion and split of the party, illegal recalls of its MPs and councillors, the hostile takeover of the party’s headquarters, the withholding of funds due to the party under the Political Party Finances Act and the systematic arrest and imprisonment of its party members,” Hwende said.

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He said the MDC Alliance remains united and was behind the party president Nelson Chamisa.

“The People’s Party is united behind its President Advocate Nelson Chamisa and focused on the broader objective of winning Zimbabwe for change. For the first time in many years, the party has successfully extinguished the fires of State sponsored divisions to focus on the common agenda whose vision and strategy is driven by the People’s President Advocate Nelson Chamisa.

“Under the leadership of the People’s President Nelson Chamisa the party has successfully established new branches and strengthened existing party structures for its grassroots members across the country. The party’s rural mobilisation and recruitment programme is gaining momentum. This has caused panic and despondency within ZANU PF,” he said

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