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HomeNewsZHRC Advocates for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality

ZHRC Advocates for Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality

The Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission (ZHRC) has underscored the critical importance of investing in women to achieve economic empowerment and gender equality.

In a statement to mark the International Women’s Day, ZHRC highlighted the significance of providing resources and programs that enable women to actively engage in economic activities while having ownership and control over productive assets.

“The Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, to which Zimbabwe is a signatory, calls upon governments to undertake all the necessary administrative and legislative reforms to give women equal and full access to economic resources, including the right to ownership of land other forms of property, natural resources, appropriate technologies and credit.

“This helps in alleviating poverty, reducing gender inequalities and catalysing national development. Investing in women entails providing opportunities for women to access financial resources, support socio-economic activities that advance gender equality, and empower women to attract economic opportunities such as employment,” read the statement

While commendable progress has been made in narrowing gender gaps in primary and secondary education, the Commission says disparities persist at the tertiary level.

“According to the 2022 Population and Housing Census Report, commendable progress has been made in narrowing gender disparities in primary and secondary education in Zimbabwe, as evidenced by marginal variances in the net enrolment ratio between males and females across all levels. Interestingly, in the lower secondary level, there was a net enrolment 67.7% for females and 61.8% for males.

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“However, there were disparities among individuals with tertiary qualifications, with 51.7% being male and 48.3% female. Furthermore, investing in programmes that empower women to take up leadership positions is a cornerstone towards women’s empowerment. To facilitate a proportional representation of women in politics, the Constitution provides for at least 50% representation in elective and appointed positions and the Government has established a 30% women’s quota in local councils,” the Commission said

ZHRC said women and girls continue to face limited access to economic opportunities and participation in political spheres.

The Commission also highlighted that women bear a disproportionate burden in the face of climate change and disease outbreaks such as the COVID-19 pandemic, which disrupts their economic pursuits and caregiving responsibilities.

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