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HomeBusinessZim Intensifies Global Roadshow To Cajole Investors

Zim Intensifies Global Roadshow To Cajole Investors

Finance and Economic Development Minister, Professor Mthuli Ncube is intensifying the global roadshow series which took-off last month to win-over global investors amid lackluster investor interest in the economy in recent years.

The roadshow includes physical and virtual meetings with fund managers, business people and various investors from other countries and explaining to them the policy changes being carried out by Harare.

Over the weekend, the Finance Minister met US investors virtually.

“I had a #Zimbabwe virtual investor roadshow with USA investors, hosted by the @AtlanticCouncil, an American think tank in Washington DC focused on international affairs & global economic prosperity,” he posted on his Twitter account.

#Zimbabwe roadshow highlighted investment opportunities in Zimbabwe and the continued effort and gains from economic reforms,” he said.

A number of positive economic reforms have taken place since the current administration came into office some four years ago which includes fiscal discipline, reintroduction of the local currency and measures to stabilize it against major currencies among others.

However plenty other economic challenges, including inflation remain unresolved.

Last month, Prof Ncube met officials from South African fund manager Allan Gray Ltd in Cape Town, to explain the positive outlook on economic performance for 2021, on the back of successful economic reforms and good rainfall season, among other factors, which speaks strongly to recovery.

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As part of the Zimbabwean team, the Minister takes various business leaders to explain to investors the macro-economic developments, and their positive impact on business.

The global roadshow is also expected to market the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX) to global investors as a regional offshore investment center.

The VFEX is still struggling to attract more listings since its launch towards the end of last year.

However the positive outcome of these efforts remain very much in the balance given concerns around continued policy inconsistencies, and  human and property rights violations in the country which has perpetuated the negative country perception among investors.

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