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HomePoliticsZim opposition parties clueless

Zim opposition parties clueless


Opposition parties have been accused for cheap political bickering and accusing government of ruining the economic situation of the country without bringing tangible solutions.

In a democratic environment the opposition is obliged to ask the right questions from the government and mandate government to reply to those questions honestly.

Independent political analyst and Director of Media Center Ernest Mudzengi has lashed out at opposition parties for fishing out problems  without offering solutions to the economic challenges facing the country.

In an interview with 263chat, Mudzengi said opposition parties should act upon the concerns they raise rather than playing the blame game.

“The opposition should not be pointing fingers at the government. Yes government might have failed in some quotas but the opposition should learn to bring solutions to the problems they outline.

There is a solution to every problem so why should they always be in a position to accuse the government while failing to outline what they have to offer,” said Mudzengi.

He added that opposition parties do not have long lasting solutions to the challenges bedeviling the economy and they always want to make every opportunity to be heard by uttering cheap political statements.

“They do not have sound decision making hence they rely on pointing fingers at the government. If they could.

One problem that these opposition parties have is they are so much obsessed with political power as opposed to wanting to restore the economy,” he added.

He said if they do not have anything to offer they are no different from the same government they are accusing of running down the country.

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Mudzengi’s sentiments concur with President Mugabe’s Million march speech in which he blasted the opposition for its ‘Mugabe must go syndrome’.

Our opposition is peculiar,” said President Mugabe adding that he could not point out a single gesture from the opposition which is meant to revive the economy.

He added that , ‘They ( opposition)  does  not have ideas on how to uplift the country and ideas on how to empower the youths and the population at large. “

Mudzengi made his comments after People’s Democratic Party released a statement where they were chiding the government for crippling the economy and failing to address the current cash crisis.

In a statement, PDP Secretary for Finance and Economic Affairs Vince Musewe said it was easy for ZANU (PF) and Mugabe to destroy the economy but alluded that it is never easy to re-build it.

“The RBZ has done enough damage already by announcing the idea of bond notes prematurely before doing their homework. Speculation of all sorts is now rife as those who have US$ are now “selling” them at a premium, while shops have already re-priced their goods in anticipation of shortages due to a clamp down on imports.” Reads the statement.

Musewe accused the ZANU PF led government of allowing corruption to preside in the country and those implicated are not brought to book.

However, MDC-T spokesperson Obert Gutu said his party has long lasting solutions that will sustain the country as soon as the current government goes out of office.

“We are not looking for shotgun solutions to the myriad challenges that Zimbabwe is currently facing.

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We are looking at finding lasting and sustainable solutions to these various political and socio-economic challenges. This is a marathon and not a sprint. The Zanu PF regime is a deeply entrenched dictatorship and the MDC is acutely aware of this fact” said Gutu.

He added that the MDC-T will continue holding their demonstrations so as to keep the government in check in terms of service delivery.

“Political mobilization is a process, not an event. The MDC will continue to pile on the pressure on the crumbling Zanu PF regime until it eventually gives in to our demands. Our demonstrations will continue unabated.’’ he added.

Turning to the introduction of the bond notes, Gutu said it was one of the reasons why they were holding their demonstrations.

“Of course the issue of the introduction of bond notes is one of the major reasons why we are staging these demonstrations. Bond notes are Zimbabwe dollars by another name and it’s abundantly clear that the majority of Zimbabweans don’t want these bond notes to be introduced.

The MDC will continue to lead the democratic forces against the Zanu PF regime and we are pretty confident that the dictatorship is now cornered”

Zimbabwe has been facing acute cash shortages with long queue characterizing most banks in the country. The Reserve Bank proposed the introduction of bond notes which it says will normalize the liquidity crunch persisting in the country.

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Multi-award winning journalist/photojournalist with keen interests in politics, youth, child rights, women and development issues. Follow Lovejoy On Twitter @L_JayMut

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  • Is it wise to blame the opposition for Zanu Pf’s failures? You are indicating that it’s not profering solutions, but what about those promises zanu pf pledged to the masses in 2013? Was it the opposition that promised 2.2 million jobs? Are those in power supposed to get clues and ideas from the opposition? What about their own plans manifested during election time? Are they not the very plans that put them in he driving seat? If the oppopsition by any chance comes to power, who else will be blamed for their failure? Wake up and smell the coffee you idiot!!!

  • Is it wise to blame the opposition for Zanu Pf’s failures? You are indicating that it’s not profering solutions, but what about those promises zanu pf pledged to the masses in 2013? Was it the opposition that promised 2.2 million jobs? Are those in power supposed to get clues and ideas from the opposition? What about their own plans manifested during election time? Are they not the very plans that put them in he driving seat? If the oppopsition by any chance comes to power, who else will be blamed for their failure? Wake up and smell the coffee you idiot!!!

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