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HomeNewsZim Participates at Africa Adaptation Summit

Zim Participates at Africa Adaptation Summit

Deputy Minister of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Barbara Rwodzi, is in Rotterdam, Netherlands where she is representing the country at the Africa Adaptation Summit 2022.

The Global Center on Adaptation, together with the African Union, African Development Bank, International Monetary Fund, Africa Adaptation Initiative and the Climate Vulnerable Forum, are convening the Africa Adaptation Summit to lay the foundation for an adaptation breakthrough for Africa.

According to Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program(AAAP), the African continent is extremely vulnerable to the climate crisis, and faces strong social challenges, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine crises, hence important to deliver the much-needed support and solidarity to African counterparts on implementing adaptation activities in this region.

ln a brief update about the event, the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality, said Zimbabwe has made strides in developing climate responsive policies, strategies, and action plans at national, sub-national and sectoral planning levels, under the National Development Strategy (NDS1: 2021-25) mainstreams climate change across all its thematic areas.

It also noted the environmental protection, climate resilience and natural resources management focus sets a sector outcome of improved climate action.

“National Climate Policy is in place and is complemented by sectoral policies on agriculture, disaster risk management, renewable energy and biofuels towards enhancing climate change mitigation and adaptation,” it said.

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African Development president Dr. Akinwumi A Adesina is expected to speak alongside other global leaders.

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