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HomeNewsZimbabweans Already Dreaming of Post Mugabe Era

Zimbabweans Already Dreaming of Post Mugabe Era

With speculations from the ongoing negotiations at the state house going round that President Robert Mugabe is refusing to step down, the generality of Zimbabweans have not lost hope of the fact that their 93 year old leader’s days in office are over.

Since Tuesday morning when the military announced a soft coup, there has been renewed hope among the people that the country- ravaged by 80 percent unemployment, poverty, corruption and an under-performing economy could once again bounce back to its former breadbasket status.

Despite the fact that constitutionally Mugabe is still the head of state and Commander in Chief of the Defence Forces, opposition political parties are already talking of an inclusive transitional authority without Mugabe and this is shared by the generality of the population who are excited at the prospects of another Government of National Unity. The last time the country had a GNU, the country experienced economic stability and progress and the experiences of that period are still fresh in the mind of many Zimbabweans. Currently the country is battling against a threatening cash crisis that has seen people sleeping at bank queues while on the parallel market United States dollars are trading at over 70 percent to the local bond notes.

Leader of the country’s biggest opposition party Movement for Democratic Change (MDC-T) Morgan Tsvangirai on Thursday called on President Robert Mugabe to immediately step down to pave way for a transitional government.

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“That there is a negotiated, all-inclusive transitional mechanism, that the purpose, essence, nature and character of that mechanism, be agreed upon by all national stakeholders, that there be comprehensive reforms for a free, fair and credible election to be held upon the full implementation of all reforms,” he said.

Churches and civil society groups have also amplified calls for an inclusive arrangement.

“The Zimbabwe Defence Forces have stressed that theirs is not a military coup, but an effort to manage the current situation. In light of this position, we are calling for the formulation of a transitional government of national unity that will oversee the smooth transition to a free and fair election,” the statement from the Zimbabwe Heads of Christian Denominations said.

“We see the current arrangement as an opportunity for the birth of a new nation. Our God created everything out of chaos. In order for something new to be born, we need to clearly define our problem. Proper naming of the problem will give us a clear sense of where we must go as a nation,” ZHCD said.

Meanwhile Secretary General of the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA), Victor Matemadanda urged the country’s political parties to embrace the current statusquo, calling for a transitional government made up of all political parties in the country.

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Matemadanda reckoned that the country’s two decade economic crisis required every stakeholder to play a role hence calls for an inclusive transitional setup.

“l say all political parties to embrace this, they should support this move because we anticipate a situation after this will inclusivity because no one person, no one political party can solve our problems.

“We want political convergence, we do not want individualism, we want people who are prepared to work together,” he said.

Even the international community seems to be warming up to the idea of a Zimbabwe without Mugabe.

Acting United States Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs, Donald Yamamoto was dismissive of having Mugabe involved in any future government role whether in an interim or ceremonial role.

“It’s a transition to a new era for Zimbabwe, that’s really what we’re hoping for,” Yamamoto said.

Unconfirmed reports claim that an inclusive transitional government will be headed by former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who will be deputised by another former vice President Joice Mujuru and ex cabinet minister Dumiso Dabengwa.

Former Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai is expected to be the Prime Minister and leader of government business.


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