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HomePolitics‘Zimbabweans Favor A Coalition Government’

‘Zimbabweans Favor A Coalition Government’

Pan African research network, Afrobarometer says most Zimbabweans are in favor of a coalition government as a way of solving the country’s political and economic problems.

According to the latest survey, the network says supporters from both the ruling Zanu PF and the Nelson Chamisa led MDC supported the idea of a coalition Government.

“A majority of Zimbabwean citizens say that the main opposition political parties should be brought into government to form a coalition with the ruling party in order to solve the country’s political and economic problems, the latest Afrobarometer survey shows. Support for a coalition government is the majority position among adherents of both the ruling ZANU-PF and the opposition MDC-Chamisa parties, as well as among residents of all provinces,” read the report.

The report further states that support for a coalition government has been endorsed in all of the country’s provinces.

“Two-thirds (66%) of Zimbabweans “agree” or “strongly agree” that the main opposition political parties should be brought into government to form a coalition with the ruling party in order to solve the country’s political and economic problems. Support for a coalition government is somewhat stronger among men (68%) than women (63%) and among young (65%) and middle-aged citizens (68%) than among older respondents (60%). But majorities in all key demographic groups favor the idea

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“A coalition government wins majority support in all provinces, ranging from 58% in Bulawayo/Matabeleland North/Matabeleland South to 76% in Manicaland. Even among respondents who say they “feel close” to the ruling ZANU-PF, a majority (52%) endorse the idea of a coalition government, which wins two-thirds support (66%) among those close to the MDC-Chamisa,” noted the Afrobarometer report

Despite the creation of the Political Actors Dialogue (POLAD), Zimbabwe remains polarized since the 2018 general elections in which President Emmerson Mnangagwa was declared winner by the Constitutional Court following an application by MDC Alliance leader Nelson Chamisa seeking nullification of the election results.

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