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HomeNewsZimRights Condemns Murder Of MDC Alliance Councilor

ZimRights Condemns Murder Of MDC Alliance Councilor

Human Rights lobby group ZimRights has condemned the alleged murder of opposition MDC Alliance member and Councilor for Ward 4 Hurungwe Central, Lavender Chiwaya (34).

In a statement, the pressure group expressed concern over the murder of Chiwaya amid reports that he was being hunted by state security agents.

“ZimRights is greatly disturbed by the reports of the extra judicial killing of the MDC-Alliance’s District Coordinating Chairperson, Councilor Lavender Chiwaya (34) of Ward 4 Hurungwe Central in Karoi, Mashonaland West. Reports are that Chiwaya’s body was found dumped on his doorstep. The MDC-A reports that Chiwaya was being hunted by state agents before his killing,” said ZimRights

The group said Chiwaya represented the many invisible victims of the ongoing crackdown on activists whose lives are in danger.

“ZimRights condemns the extra judicial killing of people for exercising their freedom of association. Chiwaya represents what ZimRights identified as the many invisible victims of ongoing crackdown on activists whose lives are in danger for exercising their rights. Their lives are more in danger because they are away from the limelight. ZimRights believes their lives matter. In the citizens cry #ZimbabweanLivesMatter, the life of Chiwaya is included. One life lost for any reason is too much.”

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This incident, ZimRights said “comes in the face of state denying that there is a crisis in Zimbabwe. It follows a series of hate speeches by senior political leaders in the country. ZimRights has since filed complaints against hate speech with the Zimbabwe Human rights Commission (ZHRC) and the National Peace and Reconciliation Commission (NPRC).

“Since 30 March 2020, Chiwaya is the 4th victim of extra judicial killing. ZimRights called on the political leadership of the country and the region to act before it is too late.”

According to the MDC Alliance Chiwaya’s body was discovered early Friday. He was naked and dumped on the roadside, about four houses away from his home in the small town in Mashonaland West province.

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