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Home#263Chat2005 Split Denied Us Victory In 2008: Tsvangirai

2005 Split Denied Us Victory In 2008: Tsvangirai

Movement for Democratic Change President, Morgan Tsvangirai has revealed that the 2005 split that led to formation of splinter MDC formation led by his former Secretary General, Professor Welshman Ncube ‘costed’ him victory in the 2008 harmonized elections.

By Moregiven Sithole

Tsvangirai made the remarks after signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Welshman Ncube a day after hosting the National People’s Party leader, Joyce Mujuru for a similar ceremony as the envisaged grand coalition of opposition parties gather momentum ahead of the 2018 do-or-die harmonized elections.

He said the fallout made it impossible to garner the required 51 percent there by denying him access to the high office when he won in the 2008 general election.

“It would also be equally dishonest not to recognize that in our journey with Professor Ncube we both made our own mistakes, we split our party in 2005, the cost of that vote splitting in addition to the blatant manipulation of results was delayed change for the people of Zimbabwe in 2008. Ladies and gentleman, it takes humble leadership to accept one’s mistakes but it takes bold leadership to correct those mistakes”, said Tsvangirai.

He pleaded with opposition parties in the country to join forces ahead of the 2018 elections failure of which he said would work in favor of the ruling ZANU PF party.

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“If anyone in this country expects us to contest the next elections separately as we did in 2008 and 2013 and expect a different result, it will not only be a third moment of real madness, but the highest form of insanity and none of us is insane,” said Tsvangirai.

Tsvangirai said the collaboration of the opposition parties will lead to a “democratic” Zimbabwe in 2018 adding that the new government will create a conducive economic environment that will lead to the creation of jobs for the young people.

“Today we continue the journey that we started yesterday with Dr Joice Mujuru; a journey whose destination is a democratic, free and prosperous Zimbabwe under a caring government.

“When we arrive at our desired destination in 2018, we will revive our industries so that we can create job opportunities for millions of our young people, we will attract investment to create new wealth, new jobs and end the man made cash crisis, said Tsvangirai.

The former Prime Minister of Zimbabwe promised to give title deeds and sustained support to new farmers while setting in motion a process to compensate former white farmers .

“We will give title deeds and sustained support to our new farmers and compensate our old farmers as a process of restoring property rights and making Zimbabwe a net exporter of food again. We will revamp and revitalize our health and education service delivery system. We will rehabilitate and modernize our collapsed infrastructure of roads, rail and energy,” said Tsvangirai.

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Tsvangirai and Ncube parted ways in 2005 following a decision by the MDC highest decision making body in favor of participating in the then senatorial elections, a move that forced the former ZCTU Secretary General to disregard the party resolution leading to a split.


In the 2013 elections, Welshman Ncube’s MDC-N garnered 92, 637 which translated to 2.68% of the total vote against Tsvangirai’s 1, 172, 349 (33.94%) and Robert Mugabe’s 2, 110, 434 (61.09%).


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Journalist based in Harare

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