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HomePoliticsMutodi Causes Social Media Stir Over Chief Ndiweni Remarks

Mutodi Causes Social Media Stir Over Chief Ndiweni Remarks

Deputy Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services, Energy Mutodi has caused a social media stir after castigating Chief Felix Nhlanhlayamangwe Ndiweni as an enemy of the state following his release on bail pending appeal at the Bulawayo High Court yesterday.

Writing on Twitter yesterday, Mutodi who has never been a stranger to controversy said that President Emmerson Mnangagwa had taken rule of law to another level in Zimbabwe as shown by the granting of bail to embattled Ntabazinduna chief.

“Chief Ndiweni’s release on bail proves judicial independence, a free and democratic society where enemies of the state are protected by the law.

“His Excellency President ED Mnangagwa has taken the rule of law to another level in Zimbabwe,” wrote Mutodi.

Mutodi previously denied the government’s hand in the abduction of comedienne Samantha ‘Gonyeti’ Kureya and a Kwekwe based MDC youth leader whom he described as ‘prostitute’.

“No matter how democratic our government can be, we can never guarantee that drunkards & prostitutes stop fighting,” wrote Mutodi.

Ndiweni is a critic of President Mnangagwa’s government and the ruling party ZANU PF, whom he always accuse of misruling the nation.

He was convicted and sentenced to 18 months in prison on charges of malicious damage to property belonging to one of his villagers Fetti Mbele.

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Yesterday, Bulawayo High Court granted Chief Ndiweni ZWL$500 bail pending an appeal against his sentence.

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Journalist based in Harare

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