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HomeNewsPut your House In Order or You Out: ED Warns Matiza

Put your House In Order or You Out: ED Warns Matiza

President Emerson Mnangagwa last week fired warning shots to Transport Minister Biggie Matiza to either perform or face the chop particularly in respect of Chilonga River Bridge that cuts off Chiredzi South from the rest of the country during floods.

Addressing supporters at a Zanu PF rally in Chiredzi recently, Mnangagwa said the people of Chiredzi were facing transport problems due to delays in the construction of Chilonga River Bridge, challenging Matiza to swiftly act on the issue.

“I was appraised of the need to construct Chilonga Bridge. Minister Matiza survived the recent Cabinet reshuffle but his time will come if he doesn’t give attention and prioritize this project. He must deliver on the Chilonga Bridge in order for him to stay long in Cabinet”, said Mnangagwa.

Mnangagwa said his Cabinet reshuffle last week was based on performance where those who were not getting the results were given the boot. He said the reshuffle was not the end of the story as more is expected and non-performers would be kicked out.

The President instructed Matiza to deal with the issues as a matter of urgency as failure to deliver will see him getting the boot.

Chilonga bridge was destroyed by the Cyclone Idai floods, cutting the whole of Chiredzi South constituency from the rest of the country rendering the area inaccessible even by humanitarian agencies.

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Journalist based in Harare

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